New cigarettes - Camel Crush


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Camel's new-in-town cigarettes just came to south Texas. These are AWESOME!!!! In my opinion.

The great thing about these cigarettes, which to my knowledge, is that they are one of a kind. All other cigarettes just have one particular flavor. Example: Marlboro Smooth, Camel Frost, even Doral Full Flavor. They are all just one flavor. Camel Crush is different.

You get two flavors in one cigarette with Camel Crush. When you light up the cigarette, you get the Camel full flavor. If you want to go to menthol in the middle of your smoke you just squeeze the filter, kinda hard, and once you hear a pop, you then are good to go with the menthol flavor.

The pop almost sounds like a finger pop, you know when you pop your fingers? Well like that.

Remember, you must be 18 years of age or older in the United States of America to buy and smoke cigarettes. Other countries might have different minimum age laws for smoking cigarettes. Please respect those laws as well.

*Disclaimer: I bought the package of Camel Crush used in this blog. All products named in this blog are registered trade marks of their respective owners and are subject to copyright laws. Don't use or claim other people's products as your own or for personal profit. Please respect the law.

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Comments (2)

Actually, the Kool Boost has been around in Japan for quite some time before they brought the US version of that over here... which is the Camel Crush.

I have bookmarked this informativ site. Thanks Kfz Versicherung

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